
ANGLER FISH MONKFISH (Lophius piscatorius)

Globtrotter angler Steve Wozniack with a nice monkfish. 

Johan Mikkelsen with a nice monkfish caught with a Savagear lure (

Audun F. Skjølberg while fishing off NSA’s Seafishing Camp on Sørøya, in northern part of Norway caught a monster size monkfish; 59 pound - 27 kilo 

Monkfish Video:

The angler fish or monkfish (Lophius piscatorius) is  also  called fishing-frog, frog-fish or sea-devil, is a member of the family Lophiidae. The monkfish is found in coastal waters of the northeast Atlantic, from the Barents Sea,  Black Sea,   the Strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean.

DISTRIBUTION: East Atlantic Mediterranean
MAX SIZE: 130 lb / 60 kg  
MAX LENGTH: 60 inch / 150 cm
MAX AGE: Unknown