The three images were from India; to fish for masher: www.himalayanoutback.com
Mahseer is the common name used for the genera Tor, Neolissochilus, and Naziritor in the family Cyprinidae (carps). The name Mahseer is however more often restricted to members of the genus Tor. The range of this fish is from Malaysia, Indonesia, across southern Asia to Pakistan, including the Indian Peninsula. There are seven species of masheer:
Tor putitora- the Yellow-fin or Golden Mahseer
Tor tor- the Redfin Mahseer
Tor mosal- the Copper Mahseer
Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis- the Chocolate Mahseer
Tor progenius- the Jungha Mahseer
Tor mussullah- the Humpback Mahseer
Tor khudree- the Yellow or Deccan Mahseer