A nice tiger muski by Matt Witt
Charlie Gallagher of Crete, Ill caught this 48 1/2 inch tiger Muskie.
Justin Easley caught a 46 inch tiger muskie weighing 31 pounds and 14 ounces in Blue Water Lake.
A nice tiger musky of 48 inches caught Matt Pelletier in New Mexico.

The tiger musky is a "hybrid" produced when a male northern pike (Esox lucius) fertilizes the eggs spawned by a female muskellunge (Esox masquinongy). It is conceivable that one might find a tiger musky anywhere that both muskellunge and northern pike occur together, though it is not a common fish anywhere.
DISTRIBUTION: | North America |
MAX SIZE: | 60 lb / 27 kg |
MAX LENGTH: | 63 inch / 135 cm |
MAX AGE: | Unknown |
ENVIRONMENT: | Freshwater |