SHARK SALMON (Lamna ditropis)

The salmon shark, Lamna ditropis, is a species of shark occurring in the north Pacific ocean. As an apex predator, the salmon shark feeds on salmon, and also on squid, sablefish, and herring. Salmon shark are remarkable for their ability to maintain body temperature, known as homeothermy, and an as-yet unexplained variability in the sex ratio between the eastern north Pacific and western north Pacific.

MAX SIZE: 385 lb / 175 kg
MAX LENGHT: 9 feet / 3 mt
MAX AGE: Unkonwn

GRAYLING ARCTIC (Thymallus arcticus)

GRAYLING ARCTIC (Thymallus arcticus); it has a Distribution in North America: widespread in Arctic drainages from Hudson Bay, Canada to Alaska and in Arctic and Pacific drainages to central Alberta and British Columbia in Canada; upper Missouri River drainage in Montana, USA. Formerly in Great Lakes basin in Michigan, USA (Ref. 5723). Arctic Ocean basin in Siberia from Ob to Yenisei drainages and in Europe in some tributaries of Pechora (Usa, Kosyu, Kozhim), Korotaikha and Kara

ALTAI OSMAN (Oreoleuciscus angusticephalus potanini)

A superb size altai osman caught by Mr.Wai Loong friend during an expedition in a wild zone of Mongolia. Probably a world record size fish.

Mr Piotr Pirskosky with an average size altai osman caught on a Salmo lure.

A nice Altai Osman (Oreoleuciscus angusticephalus potanini) caught in Mongolia.

Oreoleuciscus is a genus of cyprinid fish which is only found in Russia and Mongolia. There are currently four recognized species in this genus. (angusticephalus, dsapchynensis, humilis, potanini) 

DISTRIBUTION:Russia, Mongolia
MAX SIZE:24 lb /  12 kg
MAX LENGHT:45 inch / 110 cm

TROUT BROOK (Salvelinus fontinalis)

 Manitoba Record Brook Trout - Tim Matheson's Brook Trout

Also called eastern brook trout, speckled or spotted trout, aurora trout, mountain trout, speckled char, brook char, salter, sea trout, square tailed trout, square tail, mud trout, brookie, breac, coaster, native trout
It is native to northeastern North America, primarily from the Great Lakes north to the Hudson Bay and east to the Atlantic and Arctic coasts. It occurs in the Appalachians southeast of the Great Lakes to the northeastern corner of Georgia. It inhabits clear, cold mountain streams and lakes, prefering cold water  temperatures.

MAX SIZE: 22 lb / 10 kg
MAX LENGHT: 33 inch / 86 cm
MAX AGE: 24 Years

BICUDA (Boulengerella cuvieri)

 a bicuda caught in Rio Travessao in Amazon (Brazil)

Several species of Boulengerella and Cytenolucius (a similar genus) are found in the Amazon basin. Biucuda Cuvieri is an altogether different beast. Attaining weights in excess of 15 pounds, these aggressive fast-start predators are a prized Amazon adversary. Taking to the air instantly, they keep the fight right where the angler can see it, above the water. Their repeated jumps and bony mouths make landing a big specimen an exceptional angling accomplishment.

MAX SIZE:15 lb / 7 kg
MAX LENGHT:20 inch / 500 cm
MAX AGE:Unknown

SHARK TIGER (Galeocerdo cuvier)

World record tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) of 1781 pound 807 kg.

 A giant tiger shark caught at Hammingways Fishing Centre in Kenya. A fish of 1554 pounds (704 kg) on White Bear by angler Peter Fox. 

Tyler Kennedy fishing aboard the 36-foot boat Wendy Seas  hauled in a 948.6-pound female tiger shark at the Outcast Mega Shark Tournament.

A  tiger shark (Galeocerdo Cruvieri) caught at Hammingways Fishing Centre in Kenya. A fish of 992 pounds (450 kg) on B'Snest charter boat.

A massive 1200 lb (155 feet) tiger shark
caught in Florida. 


MAX SIZE:1870 lb / 850 kg
MAX LENGHT:22,5 ft / 7,5 mt
MAX AGE:Unknown
Occurs worldwide in tropical and warm temperate seas, but has been found during the summer season
as far north as Massachusetts in the western Atlantic and Iceland in the eastern Atlantic.
  It is a hard fighting, highly rated game fish. Fishing methods include live bait fishing while chumming from boats or trolling. Whole or cut fish or scrap meat is effective. Many tiger sharks have been caught after attacking fish being played by anglers.

MARLIN BLUE PACIFIC (Makaira nigricans)


The IGFA world record Pacific Blue Marlin 1237 lb (561.50 kg) caught off Rodrigues Island (Republic of Mauritius) by Stephen Kreupl.

A 1162 pound blue marlin caught in Maurtius Island

A big one caught in Hawaii

A massive blue marlin that was caught off Okinawa by a commercial fisherman using a handline. It is said to have "bottomed" a one ton (1,000 kg) set of scales meaning the fish weighed more than 2,200 lbs.

This pelagic and migratory species occurs in tropical and warm temperate oceanic waters. In the Pacific Ocean int is less abundant in the eastern portions of the ocean. In the Indian Ocean it occurs around Ceylon, Mauritius, and off the east coast of Africa. in the western and central North Pacific (2°-24°N) from May to October; in the equatorial Pacific (10°N-10°S) in April and November; and in the Indian Ocean (0°-13°S) from April to October.

MAX SIZE:2200 lb / 995 kg
MAX LENGHT:196 inch / 500 cm
MAX AGE:Unknown

SAILFISH ATLANTIC (Istiophorus platypterus)

Angler Carlos Moran was fishing off his home town of Luanda, Angola with Dr. Iain Nicholson  when he hooked into a fish of a lifetime and the new men’s  (30 lb) line class world record for Atlantic sailfish  Weighing in at a whopping 60.9 kg (134 lb 4 oz), Moran needed one hour to best this potential record sail after it ate the skirted ballyhoo being trolled for bait.

Angler Luisa Baptista caught a 136 lb - 61.60 kg sailfish while fishing off Angola coast in Africa. A new world record fish by IGFA

Sailfish inhabits tropical and subtropical waters near land masses, usually in depths over 6 fathoms, but occasionally caught in lesser depths and from ocean piers. This fish is a pelagic and migratory, sailfish usually travel alone or in small groups. They prefer appear to feed mostly in midwater along the edges of reefs or current eddies.

MAX SIZE:155 lb / 70 kg
MAX LENGHT:86 inch / 220 cm
MAX AGE:Aprox 20 years

BASS EUROPEAN (Dicentrarchus labrax)

French angler Guillaume Fourrier of Belleville-Sur-Mer, France was fishing off Dieppe, France with local guide Emile Couvrevr when he may have broken the 13 year old standing record for the men’s 2 kg (4 lb) line class for European bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Fourrier needed 22 minutes to land the 6.16 kg (13 lb 9 oz) fish after it ate the Jackall Dart he was casting.

Angler Roberto Prenassi with a huge size European Bass caught in Italy.

The European bass, known simply as the “bass” in Europe, is a warm and temperate water marine species that is relatively restricted to the European coast from England to northern Africa and the Mediterranean and Black Sea. It is generally found inshore near the surf zone and is somewhat tolerant of fresh water, like its close North American relative, the striped bass (Morone saxatilis).
MAX SIZE:25 lb / 12 kg
MAX LENGHT:40 inch / 103 cm

COALFISH (Pollachius pollachius)

a super size coalfish (Pollachius pollachius) caught in North Norway by angler Pim Pos.

Over 30 pound coalfish caught in North Norway. (

A big coalfish from North Norways caught by Alexander Habeck.

A big 35 pound / 16 kilos coalfish from Tromso area caught by Julius Drewes (

DISTRIBUTION:North East Atlantic O.
MAX SIZE:75 lb / 35 kg
MAX LENGHT:59 inch / 145 cm
MAX AGE:10 years

is a species of marine fish in the Pollachius genus. Together with Pollachius pollachius it is generally referred to in the U.S. as Pollock. Other names include the Boston blues (separate from bluefish), coalfish (or coley) and saithe. It is common in the northern parts of the Northern Atlantic, including the Bay of Biscay. Adults  The fish can be found close to the shore, particularly in rocky areas but larger examples tend to be found around off-shore wrecks and reefs.

GRAYLING (Thymallus thymallus)

 An incredible world record size grayling caught in Austria by Mr. Gargantini. 2.18 kg or 4lb 12 oz.

Two huge grayling of 2.10 kg and 1.8 kg caught in Finland

Grayling Videos:

MAX SIZE:6 lb / 2,5 kg
MAX LENGHT:23 inch / 60 cm
MAX AGE:Unkonwn

Occurs in northern Europe from England and France to the Ural Mountains in northwest Russia in temperature ranges of 18.0-24.0 °C. The grayling is essentially a river fish and prefers clear, well-oxygenated water in the upper reaches of rivers with sand or gravel bottom. It also occurs in lakes, especially in mountain regions and rarely in brackish water (Baltic).
 Grayling feed mainly on bottom-living insects larvae, especially sedentary caddis worms and the larvae and pupae of midges. It is considered a good game –fish with fly and spinner in Europe. The grayling is a good food fish and highly esteemed in parts of Europe, but is best prepared and eaten fresh as its special flavor is lost a few hours after death. The name thymallus refers to the thyme-like scent.

COBIA (Rachycentron canadum)

an IGFA world recod cobia

Jaime DaSilva's record cobia—54.50   kilograms (120.1 pounds)
Wonderful woman for a very big cobia. this fish was an IGFA woman record size fish.

Multiple record holder Kate Burke, landed another potential record, the 19.42 kg (42 lb 13oz) cobia was caught while fishing Lanark Village, in Florida, USA with local captain W. Camp Walker.

Cobia appartain at the Rachycentridae family; it is also called ling, lemonfish, black salmon, black kingfish, sergeant fish, cabio. Worldwide in tropical and warm temperate waters both offshore and inshore. Adult cobia seem to prefer shallow continental shelf waters. They particularly like buoys, pilings, wrecks, anchored boats. This predator fish is a highly rated, hard hitting game fish that is prone to long, powerful, determined runs and occasional leaps. Often when one is hooked the entire school will surface along with it. Preferred fishing methods are trolling with lures or baits, bottom fishing, jigging, chumming, and spin casting. Cobia can be caught on crustaceans as well as on smaller fishes. Very good baits are squid, crabs, small live fishes, cut baits, and strip baits. Plugs, spoons and weighted feathers can also be used.

DISTRIBUTION:Pacific and Indian Oc.
MAX SIZE:150 lb / 67 kg
MAX LENGHT:77 inch / 195 cm
MAX AGE:aprox. 15 years

SNAKEHEAD GIANT ( Channa spp. Micropeltes Marulius)

a 20 lb plus snakehead caught in Malaysia

Roob Ganesan caught and released this beautiful 10.8 kg (24 lb) giant snakehead while fishing in the Rawang region of Malaysia.

Huge Snakehead caught by BKK Guy

 Angler Philippe Plentincx fished near the town of Kenarong with renowned guide Jean-Francois Helias (, Philippe landed this massive snakehead while casting a M2 Frog Lure from the bank. The fish was landed in five minutes and measured 84 cm before being released alive

images courtesy

Again fishing guide Jean Francois Helias with a giant size  14.80 lb - 6.70 kg great snakehead from Thailand jungle.

Snakehead (toman) can be found in Asia: Pakistan to China, south to Thailand and Cambodia; Mekong and Chao Phraya basins, Laos, the Malay Peninsula and the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. They have also been introduced and estaablished in many areas (including south Florida). They prefer sluggish or standing water or deep pools in rivers or canals, water that low in oxygen. Large snakeheads are solitary fish, which inhabit waters with submerged aquatic vegetation. The snakeheads have developed means of coping with hypoxic (low oxygen) waters they occupy; they actually breath air through a suprabranchial organ.

66 lb / 30 kg (?)
39 inch / 100 cm

CARP COMMON (Cyprinus carpio carpio)

  A monster carp was caught  by Raul Lopez Ayala on lake Curton (Rainbow lake)  the fish was 83 pound - 38 kilograms. The fish was caught with a boili "Monster Crab original" of John Llewellyn "Big Carp" brand.

Roman Hanke  landed a 100-pound, 4-ounce (45.48 kg) carp at the Euro-Aqua Fishery in Hungary. At present time is the biggest common carp ever landed with rod and reel.

Jo Green 84 pound carp caught in France
Chris Gillett with a colossal 80lb 8oz - 36.6 kilo caught on lake Gigantica in France.

Colin Smith with a 100 lb 8 oz - 45 kilo carp caught in France in a lake at Etang Saussaie.

Fishing on lake Longeville in France, Alain and Jean Claude brothers took out this carp of 34.95 kg - 77.05 lb 

Carp is a member of the cyprinidae family; this fish is also called carpe commune, carpa, Asian carp, karp, koi.The carp's original range was limited to temperate Asia and the rivers of the Black Sea and Aegean basins, notably the Danube, in Europe. Today, carp they are widely distributed in North America below the 50th parallel south to the Florida panhandle. Besides North America, Europe, and Asia, it is also now found in South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. 

Europe Asia N.America
90 lb / 40 kg
43 inch / 110 cm
38 years


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